Claridge Priority Response

It’s the perfect time to make school improvements with Claridge Priority Response

With Claridge Priority Response (CPR), we guarantee your order will be shipped in one week, two weeks, or three weeks, based on the level of CPR service selected. In the unlikely event that a delay occurs, we pay you a 10 percent penalty for every day of a delayed shipment. Why wait to put your Claridge Products solutions to work? With CPR, you don’t have to. All CPR orders subject to availability.
  • Level 1 is a one-week lead time dedicated to the most urgent, immediate needs. These are priced at a 30% premium.
  • Level 2 is a two-week lead time designed for customers who have a crucial need for product. These are priced at a 15% premium.
  • Level 3 is a three-week lead time created for customers who have a pressing need. These are priced at a 10% premium.

Discuss your project with our sales & design team